About the Physiotherapist



-香港理工大學醫療護理學深造文憑 (物理治療)


許大德 – 脊椎及關節手療科物理治療師畢業於香港理工大學,自2000年起於銅鑼灣恩平中心開設私人執業。許先生對各種物理療法均有涉獵及持續進修,計有Pilates, 體適能教練,針灸,中醫推拿;亦曾於美國進修職功能評估證書課程。許先生於2004年完成脊椎及關節手療科物理治療碩士課程,及於2011 年完成醫療護理學深造文憑。許先生具備廣泛臨床及教育經驗,脊柱功能毛病及職業健康均是許先生專長的臨床項目。

Albert T. HUI

Registered Physiotherapist (HK)
– PD Physiotherapy (HKPU)
– MSc Manipulative Physiotherapy (HKPU)
– PgD Health Care (Physiotherapy)(HKPU)


Albert graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and has started up his private practice in Causeway Bay since 2000. Albert devoted himself to continuous education of various physical therapies, such as Pilates, fitness training, acupuncture, Chinese manual therapy, and work capacity evaluation and ergonomic evaluation certificate trainings. Albert was awarded Master of Science in Manipulative Physiotherapy in 2004, and Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care in 2011. Albert has extensive experiences in clinical and public education. Albert’s clinical expertise includes spinal dysfunctions and occupational health.